Professional Athletes

Central Pennsylvania’s Strongest Investment Manager


Sports is not merely the exercise of muscles, but it is the school of moral values and of training in courage, in perseverance, and in overcoming laziness and carelessness. There is no doubt that these values are of the greatest interest for the formation of a personality which considers sports not an end in itself, but as a means to total physical, moral and social development.

– Pope John Paul II

Frederick D. Fischer, President and Senior Portfolio Manager at Fischer Financial Services, Inc., can manage investment accounts for professional athletes and coaches in every state across the nation and will personally travel to meet with prospective and current players and coaches. Mr. Fischer was a collegiate power-lifting champion and set several school records during the 1970s. His last competition was in 1975. He retired from the sport due to a series of lower back injuries. During September of 2011, Mr. Fischer began training for competition under the watchful eye of “Hall of Fame” Powerlifting Champion, Mark Chaillet. Mark is a former world champion and world record holder in multiple weight classes. In June 2012, Mr. Fischer competed in the IPA Strength Spectacular in the 60-64 age group and did a full squat with 570 lbs. and bench pressed 360 lbs.. With a total for all three lifts of 1,315 lbs., Mr. Fischer earned “best lifter” in the Master Amateur Category (i.e., age 40 & up). On October 19, 2013, Mr. Fischer set an IPA “World Record” in the squat with a lift of 625 lbs.  This lift was achieved at the IPA Ultimate Powerlifting Championship in Ithaca, NY.  Mr. Fischer lifted in the Amateur Men’s Master (60-64), drug-free, 275 lb. class.  He benched 375 lbs. at the meet and totaled 1,425 lbs. Mr. Fischer benched 430 lbs. at IPA Mountaineer Open on August 2, 2014, and he benched 450 lbs. at IPA Strength Spectacular on June 21, 2015.  During a practice session on February 6, 2016, 64 year old Fred Fischer attempted a 545 lb. bench press.  On September 22, 2018, at the IPA World Powerlifting Championships in Gatlinburg, TN, Fred Fischer set four IPA World Records with a 605 lb. Squat, 460 lb. Bench Press, 385 lb. Deadlift, and 1,450 lb. Total.  He lifted in the Amateur (drug tested) Equipped Men’s Master (age 65-69) 275 lb. weight class.  On July 16, 2022, at the Strength Spectacular in Erie, PA, Fred set an “All Time” World Record for all weight classes in the squat with a lift of 615 lbs.  Fred lifted in the 70-74 age group, 275 lb equipped category.  His total of 1,465 lbs. places him second “All Time” for all weight classes in the 70-74 age group.  On July 20, 2024, at the IPA F8 Bench Invitational, Fred Fischer set his second “All Time” World Record in the bench press with a lift of 520 lbs.  The record is for all weight classes in the Master category age group 70-74.