Individual Investors
- Worldwide Aggressive: Invests 75% to 100% in Domestic and International equities with the remainder in cash (money markets).
- Aggressive: Invests 75% to 100% in Domestic equities with the remainder in cash (money markets).
- Worldwide Moderate: Invests 50% to 75% in Domestic and International equities with the remainder in fixed income instruments and/or money markets.
- Moderate: Invests 50% to 75% in Domestic equities with the remainder in fixed income instruments and/or money markets.
- Worldwide Conservative: Invests 25% to 50% in Domestic and International equities with the remainder in fixed income instruments and/or money markets.
- Conservative: Invests 25% to 50% in Domestic equities with the remainder in fixed income instruments and/or money markets.
- Ultra Conservative: Invests up to 33% in Domestic equities with the remainder in fixed income instruments and/or money markets.
* The minimum account size may be reviewed and waived on a case-by-case basis.