by Fred D. Fischer, President

Our firm has studied the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 and the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934.  Those laws regulate registered investment advisers in the U.S.  The laws and regs do not require investment managers, or other individuals purporting to give investment advice, to measure their performance for each client served.  This includes registered investment advisers, financial planners, wealth managers, bank trust departments, stockbrokers, and insurance agents.  Since the laws do not require it, most of the aforementioned players do not measure their performance.  We wonder why?  We can think of only one reason and that’s because it’s poor!

We believe it is very important to accurately measure performance for the clients that we serve.  We have been unable to find another competitor in Central PA that even talks or mentions anything about their performance.  We talk about our performance regularly and compare ourselves to meaningful benchmarks of excellence.  Why?  Because we are proud of our performance and wish to share our results.  We sincerely believe that performance matters and encourage all the advisors that do not to start.